Hi, I'm Victor.

  London, UK

I’m currently at THE, where we build university rankings for 2000+ universities worldwide

My Role:

I develop product that help Universities and Goverment improving their performance, marketing campaign and growth in the higher education sector. Here some cool projects I have been working on in the past years.

My Projects

Network Analysis

Collaborations between universities can be mapped as a social Network


A social network of collaborations between universities can serve as a platform for universities to connect with each other, or with other organizations worldwide, opening doors to new opportunities and partnerships.

The Challenge

Universities form million of collaborations, handling a such a Network requires large-scale data processig

The Results

The Network allowed to identify the universities that form the core and perifery of the Network, and correlate the university's output to its reputation in a field

Listen to the Data

Our goal is to help businesses and individuals to become data-driven

We teach all the technical skills to work with data and the soft skills to interpret and communicate with data successfully.

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Embark on a Data Exploration Journey: Hike through SQL to Excel with Python

Join our immersive course and learn to traverse the data wilderness, starting from SQL databases and hiking through data analysis terrain in Python’s and Excel. Reach the summit and unlock the power of data for your insights and decision-making.

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